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How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A
Quick tutorial of the lower Body for Runners workout A moves. Toto zahŕňa:
Sumo Squat
Reverse Lunge – right
Reverse Lunge – left
Lateral Lunge – ideal
Lateral Lunge – left
Get this month’s workout calendar for Runners now on
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0 seconds of 3 minutes, 9 seconds
4 -minútové stojace základné cvičenie pre bežcov
Today I’m sharing the big new challenge we’re doing for pile on the Miles this year here (click link on your smart phone – not computer)
Plus I have updates on running, eating and life! This might be a quick one…!
Running challenge November pile on the Miles
Pile on the Miles starts Nov 5th!!
NEW – This year we’re using the Run bet app to track all the miles!!
Join here (click link on your smart phone – not computer)
– stay accountable.
– get motivated!
– Spriateliť sa.
– pile on the miles – not pounds in November!!
We’ll have a private FB group too! I’ll be available to answer your running & eating questions.
I’m here to coach, support and help keep you going!
How to join the pile on the Miles Challenge:
1. download the Run bet App.
2. sign up for the pile on the Miles Challenge.
Challenge yourself to run at least 4x a week / 30 minutes.
Nov 5 – Dec 2.
3. Run!
4. WIN and get your money back.
Stick with it and get your money back plus split any extra in the pot!!
(So it’s complimentary because you’re going to stick with it – right!)
AND – the app tracks everyone’s mileage so if you want a lil friendly competition you can try to choose the most miles!!
* BONUS: I’ll be giving out prizes for the most miles!! *
Sign up here: (link only works on your phone)
The annual pile on the Miles Run challenge is new and improved this year! We’re making it a Run bet challenge to take it to the next level!
Weather, pie, shorter days, candy, holiday parties, mashed potatoes… make it hard to stay on track!
But YOU can end 2018 stronger, faster, fitter… whatever your goals are – with us!
Put your money where your running shoes are & bet $40 you will run at least 4x a week for 30 minutes – Nov 5 – Dec 2.
Stick with it and get your money back plus split the winnings from any individual who didn’t finish
– stay accountable.
– get motivated!
– Spriateliť sa.
– pile on the miles – not pounds in November!!
We’ll have a private FB group too!
I’m here to coach, support and help keep you going!
How to join the pile on the Miles Challenge:
1. download the Run bet App. (the link takes you to it)
2. sign up for the pile on the Miles Challenge.
3. Run at least 4x a week / 30 minutes.
Nov 5 – Dec 2.
4. WIN!
Stick with it and get your money back plus split any extra in the pot!!
(So it’s complimentary because you’re going to stick with it – right!)
AND – The app tracks mileage so if you want a lil friendly competition you can try to choose the most miles!!
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0 seconds of 57 seconds
Čo jem za deň – Runner Edition
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Run bet questions and Answers:
1. Can I use my Garmin connect info on the treadmill? The treadmill I have is a little off with distance and pace.
RunBet: For any treadmill photos, we do require the treadmill readout and the sweaty selfie. They can try to use Garmin connect on the treadmill, but we don’t recommend it as the GPS doesn’t always work indoors. and I’d hate to see someone try to use GarminConnect only to find out it didn’t track properly.
2. Can I walk on the treadmill for 30 min or has to be on the run??
RunBet: The player need to meet the 18:00/mile pace requirement for this game. The intent is to get people running and not point out that they can walk and still make the pace requirement.
3. Can I do the run in 2 parts to total 30 minutes for the day? example – I run a 5K that day but finish in less than 30 minutes… Can I do a separate run to total 30 minutes for the day?
RunBet: as per the Rules, “All runs need to be tracked in one continuous session from start to finish.” So we do require the run to be done and completed in one session.
4. Can I do a lot more than 1 run in a day? If I won’t have time to run 4 days… could I do 2 runs on 1 day? [Monica added – I’m assuming they’d chop it to start separate runs and not do 1 – run for 60 minutes… but run 30 and start a new workout on their app?? ]
RunBet: Unfortunately, only one run a day can countsmerom k štyrom požiadavkám na behy/týždeň.
5. Môžem to urobiť z Kanady?
Runbet: Ktokoľvek, kdekoľvek sa môže pripojiť a hrať.
6. Počíta spustenie brankára na sledovanie beží?
Runbet: Áno, Runkeeper a Strava budú fungovať.
7. Skúsil som sa prihlásiť pomocou Facebooku a dostal chybové hlásenie … pomoc?
RUNBET: Prosím, pozrite si každú osobu, ktorá má problémy s prihlásením na Naši zamestnanci im budú môcť pomôcť, resetovať heslá alebo robiť čokoľvek, čo potrebujú na prihlásenie.
Odkaz na pripojenie:
Aplikácie tímov Boston Marathon’s Hyland teraz otvorené teraz
A ďalšie veľké oznámenie …
Budem hostiteľom videozáznamu od spoločnosti Hyland, ktorý sleduje cestu svojich bežcov do cieľovej čiary Boston Marathon !!
Teraz prijímajú ideálne pre liečiteľov … lekári, zdravotné sestry, terapeuti, fyzioterapeuti atď.
Pozrite si prvé video, ktoré tu oznamuje tím – Hyland’s Power Boston Marathon FB
Použite na >>>
Minulý víkend som spustil Lexus Lace Up Ventura Half Marathon! Zobudil som sa o 3:30 ráno, aby som sa pretiahol z južnej Orange County do Ventury. Ale bol to zábavný, rýchly kurz! A boli tam oblátky.
Race rekapitulácie už čoskoro.
Lexus Lace Up Palos Verdes je ďalší!
Na uloženie 1 použite zľavový kód RER10!
Viac informácií nájdete na stránke závodných zliav.
Konečne sa chystám pohnúť. To je všetko čo viem.
Ale na Instagrame som o tom veľa otázok.
Postupujte podľa @runeAtrepeat, keď na to prídem …
Máte pre mňa otázku?
E -mail – alebo ho nechajte v políčku na otázky na Instagrame!
Uistite sa, že ste sa prihlásili na odber šou, aby ste si nevynechali epizódu! A niekomu o tom povedz!
TAG @RuneATrePeat na Instagrame a dajte mi vedieť, čo robíte, keď počúvate!
Have a great run!
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