I may have left a few details out…
There was a mix up with some stuff this morning plus Ben called in ill to work so I wasn’t able to leave for my […]
There was a mix up with some stuff this morning plus Ben called in ill to work so I wasn’t able to leave for my […]
Hello! Ako to ide? I made it home sweet home yesterday and the only thing I did all day was write that Hood to coast […]
I got checked for Coronavirus Antibodies and am sharing my experience and information on what antibody test I took. before I got the test I […]
Ben didn’t work today so we chose to do a “day date”. By the time we chose this it was lunch time so we picked […]
Hej, ako aj potešený štvrtok! V závislosti od týždňa je často štvrtok skutočne môj piatok, ale zajtra pracujem, takže je to len rutinný deň. V […]
Dobrý deň! Tu sú odpovede na všetky vaše otázky z príbehov @runeATrepeat Instagram Stories tento týždeň. Rozrezal som ho na 2 diely, pretože som dostal […]
I cannot believe it is already March! This year is truly flying by. Now it’s time for my March Challenge. For my new Year’s Resolution […]
Hej hej hej! Po včerajšom krátkom behu som spustil nejaké pochôdzky a zdvihol jogurt s Strawberry. Zúčastnil som sa to s orechmi. Tiež som sa […]